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CMR: Focus and Growth


I'm a business coach and mentor, helping you balance a good business with a good life.

When we accept the inevitable juggle and struggle of the life work balance, there's an opportunity to work our own way, in our own style. So when things go right we the have space and time to be creative, and when we're challenged we have work arounds that keep the heart of the business functioning.

Recognising how we work best, productively, and aligned with our energy and business needs, isn't easy. Which is where I come in.  Helping you navigate todays' ever changing landscape.

Us entrepreneurs are vulnerable. Working long hours, often with more than one job/business, and, with all the hats on.

So whether it’s defining your vision, setting goals, planning for success, crafting a business model, or enhancing customer experience. You need focus to grow, care-fully, critically and creatively.


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